大阪kansai pass

2007-06-05 11:32 pm
(包括京都, 奈良, 神戶,)
是否包括JR關西空港去京都 or 大阪市

回答 (2)

2007-06-06 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果去大阪, 京都, 奈良, 神戶, 不需要pass (JR pass/kansai pass ), 大阪, 京都, 奈良, 神戶交通方便, pass 不值得, 建議購買單程票/Rainbow Card 预付款乘车卡, 節省購票時間 http://www.kotsu.city.osaka.jp/chinese/ticket/rainbow.html
Kansai Pass 包括南海電鐵, 不包括JR/關西空港
JR Pass 包括JR關西空港,不包括市內地鐵巴士
関西空港->大阪 (方法1) JR特急はるか“Haruka”號去西九条轉JR環状線去大阪站,50分鐘,¥2310 (方法2) JR快速電車,70分鐘,¥1320 (方法3)南海電鐵難波車站空港急行(45分鐘,¥890)、特急a b(30分鐘,¥1390)


大阪市內:地鐵(Day Pass¥850),周5及每月20日¥600地鐵圖www.kotsu.city.osaka.jp/information/station/subway_rosenzu.html
京都市內:巴士(Day Pass(¥500,不包括去嵯峨野)
2007-06-05 11:38 pm


This ticket enables you to ride on subways, private railways and buses throughout the Kansai district. As well as enabling you to tour Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto, it lets you visit Nara, Wakayama and Koyasan. Purchasing the economical KANSAI THRU PASS that comes in two types; 2-day and 3-day, will let you enjoy a more value-for-money holiday.

KANSAI THRU PASS – Such a deal!!

From Kyoto to Osaka, Kobe, Mt. Hiei and Himeji. Get on and off the train or bus bound for Wakayama, Nara and Koyasan as you like during the period of validity (Excluding JR lines. Check the map for the available trains and busses).

You can use the train or bus without going through the troublesome task of checking the complicated rate table to buy tickets and you won’t need to buy another ticket every time you make connections.

You can benefit from complimentary discount promotions at 350 major tourist facilities along the railway lines.

It can be used from Kansai Airport Station on the Nankai Train after arriving at Kansai International Airport (The Express rapi:t requires additional tariff).

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Type of ticket
Child (Ages 7 to 12)

3day ticket
5,000 yen
2,500 yen

2day ticket
3,800 yen
1,900 yen
for more details, pls click

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