
2007-06-05 10:20 pm
本人有皮膚病己三個多月..身上出了很多紅點.(近似癬)...睇西醫有一個話係菌,另一個話係牛皮癬...所以我亦不太確定是什麼....跟住睇中醫話我濕毒...食幾個星期,開始好跟住又無用...最近睇針炙..紅點反而仲紅..但佢話咁先可以迫毒出...我想請問佢說得對嗎???請各位幫幫忙 >.< 謝謝!!

回答 (1)

2007-06-06 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
sorry my Mac only can type english...
yes, acupuncture is very good for skin virus, normally it will have a treatment (at least 5-10 times), so dont be dreaming u can be cure just once. Also u have to quit all "wet" and "poison" things, e.g. crab, shrimp, chicken, beef, deep-fried, wheat, sweet and sour, bamboo shoot, milk......too many, cant mention it all.
Work well, sleep well, keep yrself body always cool and no sweat. Good luck

2007-06-06 10:16:04 補充:
Normally if u follow seriously the doctor's warning, (e.g. quit all deep-fried) red spots will become "serious" because the virus needs to find the way to get out! this is the different between Ch and Western medical.

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