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i dare not agree with your point that " why can't we just say that the universe just exist without a cause ? "
human mankind is differ from all other living being as they are intellectual, that is, they seek for reason (reasoning) and want to discover (discovering) and they can create (creativity).
everything must have a reason or have a cause of happening (except if you believe in religon stuff). there are several school of thoughts on how universe exist.
more and more scientists believe in the " Big Bang " theory BUT that is from the starting point of the existence of universe.
and what about the cause of " Big Bang " ? some scientists are seeking for the theory of parallel or multiple universes (multiverse) and multidimension (beyond 4th dimension). and they make hypothese that when two universes crash together, that is what the cause of " Big Bang ". another theory is that universe has life span, when it comes to the end of the life span, it will collapse to a certain point (contraction) - the " Big Crunch " that becomes the start of another life cycle, that is, the " Big Bang ".
Source : from various reference books and my knowledge
Copy : real Original without copying from anywhere else (not even from Wiki)
2007-06-15 11:39:54 補充:
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