Should Hilary be running for President or for an Oscar Award?

2007-06-05 3:42 am
I have to admit that Hilary maybe one of the greatest actors of our time. She has the perfect script for every single issue tailored to which ever audience she is talking too whether it be radicals, moderates, independents, or Chris Mathews. And yet although she does her best to mask her Marxists philosophy her passion for it only seems to peak out every once in awhile. I just hope most of America realize that she is just acting & although it looks and sounds great it's all complete BS.

回答 (13)

2007-06-05 3:45 am
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Keep telling yourself that buddy, keep telling yourself that!

Hillary 08!
2007-06-05 10:53 am
That's debatable. But I think she should be running for an Oscar and agree with your opinion on her.
2007-06-05 10:49 am
Well the intelligent among us already know it. Why do you think the libs such as Hillary want to get 20 million new votes by legalizing every random scumbag sneaking into the country?
2007-06-05 10:49 am
Neither. She should be running for the Canadian border.
2007-06-05 10:48 am
As for the Oscar Award, it should go to her husband Bill Clinton. Did you see the way he lied under oath? Did you see how serious he was when he said "I did not have sex with that woman"?

Hillary isn't good for president or oscar award, unfortunately.
2007-06-05 11:06 am
Well Algore proved if you can't be elected President you can buy an Oscar. I'm not sure how that all fits together.

But you are correct she has a script tailored for all times and places and an accent to go with it. From Ebonics in a black church to a Tammy Wynette twang in the south and an unbearable screech in the NE... she has it all down pat.
2007-06-05 10:59 am
Oscar Award--for best Jester--because she sure is a joke!
2007-06-05 10:50 am
If Republican Primary voters do not wise up and vote for Ron Paul then Hillary (or whoever wins the Democrat nomination) will be our next President.

The answer is Oscar Award.
2007-06-05 11:20 am
Please post this statement at least daily anywhere you can find to write it! The truth has just been told, folks!
2007-06-05 10:53 am
Right after we give the award to W for playing The War President.
2007-06-05 11:39 am
Wow. It couldn't possibly be that she's that smart, that well-informed, or that she's the real deal, could it?

Last night Hillary was genuine and forthright, and extremely Presidential. It looked like everyone else on that stage was competing for VP, including Edwards and Obama. It's obvious you can see how good she is, but you need to believe it's all an act, for whatever reason. I've been watching Sen. Clinton for a long time, and if anything, she's one of the less scripted politicians simply because she doesn't NEED a script. You're talking about a woman who is married to a past President that had the highest IQ of any President ever to be elected - and her IQ is even higher. She needs to be closely scripted as much as a fish needs a bicycle, to borrow an old phrase. Sorry, it's not b.s., and with Hillary, what you see and hear is what you get. I'm liking it so far and she's got my vote. It'll be a pleasure to have a President again who can respond to any situation with confidence and competency and speak articulately at the same time.

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