Would you rather pay extra to keep the illegals here or pay extra to round them up and send them all home.?

2007-06-04 6:46 pm
Will it cost more in taxes and social programs than it would to just send them all back to their homelands?

回答 (17)

2007-06-04 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
get them out!
2007-06-05 1:49 am
We don't need to pay anything to solve the problem.

MASSIVELY increase fines for people who hire them. Hell, the government might even make some money off the thing.
2007-06-05 1:51 am
We shouldn't be taxed to do either!

Round them up (let the border patrol do their thing without persecution) and ship 'em home!
2007-06-05 1:50 am
I rather spend more now, so we can send them back now. If we legalize them now, we will waste significantly more tax dollars on them in the future.
2007-06-05 1:50 am
Pay to send them home and keep them home.
2007-06-05 1:55 am
Sending them home would not be expensive at all. In fact, I would volunteer to drive one of the busses for free!!

2007-06-05 1:55 am
I have no problem paying taxes to keep my country safe! i do have a problem paying taxes to take care of criminals.

I hate it when people forget that every illegal alien is a criminal, just like people who we lock up for commiting other crimes, they have broken laws that are in place to keep our country safe. Even in the rare case that entering the country was the only law they have broken, they are still criminals, ignoring a situation where millions of people are breaking laws, or forgiving the criminal behavior will not protect the US.

Round em up, I know we won't ever get them all, but we can have some impact, we should also protect our borders with patrols and fences, then maybe rounding them up would have a better impact.

Granting amnesty ignores the root cause of the problem and only encourages more people and creates a bigger problem.
2007-06-05 1:52 am
It would likely cost more to keep them here then to send 'em back to whatever countries they had come from. I am certainly not in favor of 'legalizing' illegal aliens who had come to this country not through legal means but illegal means. They did not respect our laws and now say that they deserve to be protected under the law and be granted all the rights legal citizens possess. That is simply not right.
2007-06-05 3:38 am
It should be possible to punish them in a way that doesn't cost us much money. We could round them up and force them to serve on chain gangs before we deport them, so they'd work off the cost of the deportation.
2007-06-05 1:59 am
I'd gladly pay extra to send them all back home. The long term damage they are doing to our country financially far outweighs what it would cost to send them home.
2007-06-05 1:54 am
They will suck up more in social programs in the long run than it will cost to round them up and ship em out.

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