How to avoid unnecessary people answering your question?

2007-06-04 10:43 am
Sometimes I just want some answers to my question, but instead, it attracted people that are not serious to the question, what should I do to prevent it? Can I report it?

回答 (14)

2007-06-04 10:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm sorry, dear. It's a free country and a free website. You can report it, but new doofuses will pop up the next time you ask a question.

You might try asking at a different time -- otherwise, give it a bad rating so you don't need to look at it anymore, report it if it's really offensive, and cross your fingers that someone who really knows something will answer.

Good luck!
2007-06-04 5:55 pm
I know what you mean. Unfortunately, you cant really stop the unnecessary answers. Just dont look at them and give it a low rating.
2007-06-04 5:47 pm
No, you don't report it unless they are being offensive in their answers, not just because they are being frivolous.
You want the gold (the helpful answers), you have to be prepared to sift through the sand. That is just the way it is.
2007-06-04 5:45 pm
if they are really mean I'd report abuse. If they are just silly don't sweat it.
2007-06-04 5:48 pm
lmao, yea.

Seriously, if they're that big of a problem then report them. But most people doing that are just as bored with their lives as I am and have nothing better to do than write stupid crap on message boards on the internet in the middle of the night. Weeeh, lots of prepositions there.
2007-06-04 5:46 pm
ask harder, more specific questions
2007-06-04 5:48 pm
There is this little wheel on your mouse which gives you the ability to scroll past any "unserious" answers to your super-serious questions.

I'd suggest you practice by scrolling past my answer over and over till you get the hang of it.

























2007-06-04 5:45 pm
if u want to be a dober
2007-06-04 5:45 pm
Where are my socks?
2007-06-04 6:08 pm
Yes, you can report it. It must be legitimate reason listed in the Y/A guidelines; not just because someone disagreed with you.

Please report abuse of the Y/A guidelines by clicking on the flag icon under the question or clicking the "Report Abuse" link next to an answer. See for 20 reasons/instances where reporting a violation is appropriate. This includes "violating the question and answer format," "point gaming," "soliciting," "racist/homophobic/explicit remarks" and etc.

Also, see for the Y/A team's blog entry on this subject. Actually, they have a series of posts about violations.

This is a global site and it has little to do with being a "free country." There are rules to abide by which have been set by Yahoo.
2007-06-04 5:47 pm
Really the only thing you can do is click the little flag beside their answer that says "report abuse". Then it will ask you to pick a reason, "spam" and "other violation" are both options that would apply. There isn't a way to block certain people from answering but that would be a good idea for Yahoo to implement in the future.
2007-06-04 5:46 pm
You could, but dont be too trigger happy on reports, especially if its trivial. Some people are just plain petty.
2007-06-04 5:46 pm
Try for once posting a sensible question.
If this is an example of your questions what the hell do you expect.
2007-06-04 5:46 pm
you should report it too the ghostbusters

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