problems on studying in canada2

2007-06-04 6:02 pm
As i am already a form 5 (going to 6) student, i am already 17, is it a too late for me to studying overseas? i am afraid that i can cummunicate well with foreigners in english.

you know, under the portrayal of the media, bullying seems a huge problem, and do people in canada frendly? will they bully others because of their nationalities?

回答 (2)

2007-06-04 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because now i'm in Canada (Vancouver) too. If you already form 5 (mean Grade 12), i'm
Grade 8 student(i am 13) and i'm study esl,my classmate almost 17,but they study esl
too, so you did't too late for you to study oversea, if you don't want to study esl, you can
study collega or university (This is good choice), so you don't need afraid.

You don't need afraid about bullying, because in canada have so many chinese and foreigners is nice.

2007-06-04 10:31:55 補充:
I'm in Canada(Vancouver)too
參考: I'm in canada (Vancouver) too
2007-06-04 6:49 pm
HI, Form 6 is equal to Grade 12 in Canada. It's not too late to study oversea. However, before you relocate your study place, ask yourself is your english good enough to handle the live oversea?

Grade 12 is still consider high school / secondary school in Canada. Once you completed Grade 12 or completed all 30 credits. You can graduate from High School & move on to College or University.

If you are confidence with your school marks & english, please do completed High School & take college / university oversea.

However, if you are not confidence with the stuff I've mentioned above. Move to Canada ASAP, so that you can have enough time to practice your english & adjust the live style.

Canada is a multi-cultura country. A little of different cutlura people will stay in the same school or community. But don't worry, they are all very friendly comparing to HK people.
Bullying may applied when you are still in elemantary / high school. But in University or College, many students are matured. So, don't worry about the bullying. Plus, I'm not sure which province of Canada you are considering about. Myself is living in Toronto. In Toronto, you don't really need to know how to speak English, YOu will be fine with Chinese. Therefore, in school, 30% of students are chinese.

Hope this help!

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