
2007-06-04 10:19 am

回答 (6)

2008-05-05 8:41 pm
不是邪教, 是抗衡社會歪風及傳媒污染的團體, 我們的社會應支持這些團體
2007-07-27 2:01 am
明光 不如 光明 [sosad]
2007-07-26 10:03 pm
而且基督徒也是不會認同同性戀的 這個聖經亦有提及
2007-07-24 5:43 am
基督教都唔知醜, 自己打壓迫害其他人重話人地打壓佢地, 正一一言堂~
2007-07-20 10:08 pm
2007-06-06 1:40 am
no, in the mean time.
but yes, if in the future they have bigger influence, they'll do harm to the society.

it's not because of their moral standard, in fact nobody cares. it's the way they want to spread their believes. they're using force, to suffocate the living space of those they dislike, and disagree.

the ancent chunch they use fire to burn those with the sixth sense, females who wear trousers ( trousers are for man only ), the scientist who said earth is not the center of universe. of course the gays, and those with different believes.

they & their god, have a strong desire in power. they do things with FORCE, which also shows their believe in inequality.

one thing is quite interesting to me. why there're some people always thinking of the sex life of others? they think of it all of the time, they want to interfere, want to control it - other people's sex!!! i feel them dirty.

someone said - power is sexier than sexier.

are there somebody enjoy the super sexy feeling by using their power openly to restrict other people's freedom?

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