我用bobbie brown粉底都敏感, 可以轉用邊隻呢?

2007-06-04 7:31 am
我依家用緊bobbie brown粉底,但係都敏感以下兩隻,
laura mercier / giorgio armani粉底液。
請提供價錢, 謝!

回答 (3)

2007-06-04 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
我而家用緊Laura Mercier silk creme foundation, 都冇咩問題, 不過提醒你, 我聞倒佢裡面有酒精味, 但我又冇事, 但唔知你受唔受到 ?

至於giorgio armani, 做伴娘時全日個妝係用 GA, 我都冇敏感, 應該ok.

2007-06-11 09:54:09 補充:
Sorry, 用左一個星期最近塊面開始有d敏感, 懷疑lm都係唔岩我. 可能之前未試過連續用七日, 所以冇發現唔妥. 希望以上意見冇誤導你!
2007-06-04 7:55 am
1)Covermark HK$450

2)Giorgio Armani HK$400-HK$500

自己用過Covermark效果好好,朋友就用Giorgio Armani 效果也不錯.

但Covermark比較多分店, 容易試顏色.

Giorgio Armani 以我所知就只有 '又一城' 'IFC'有分店
參考: 自己經驗
2007-06-04 7:48 am
My skin also is senstive type too, i using the name"Avene" from France, you can find it at Miramar in TST.the price not so expensive.~$200.

Or you can try the line from Shisedo call "d programme" for senstive skin.

"free plus" from Kanebo.
If you want more details, may be contact me [email protected]

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