
2007-06-04 7:31 am
但係我中意"力-co(高音)-拿" 呢個音多d
請問有無咩其他語言發音, 好似法文德文o既"Nicola"係"力-co(高音)-拿" 呢個音??

回答 (2)

2007-06-05 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The 1st poster is incorrect.
There are 2 different ways of pronouncing the name Nicola. The most common is like you have said - 瀝-co(低音)-拿
You can also say 力-co(高音)-拿 but that's very very rare for a girl (you are a girl, yes?). That's because the same name exists in Italian for guys! And that's how they would pronouce their names - 力-co(高音)-拿 (I know coz I have a male friend with the exact same name - he shorten it to Nick so it doesn't sound too girly I think...)
Nowadays the boundaries of how to say a name is not so clear most of the time. If you like it one way, you can just simple tell others to follow your way. There's no absolute to that (though the 1st poster isn't correct and that's for sure).
Hope that helps.
參考: Me
2007-06-04 7:35 am
係"力" "Cool" "拿"先係正確

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