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我想講, 樓上兩位都答得唔錯, could當然係 can既過去式,但係用法上係完全咁簡單架...
1 當解作可以/有能力, could就係can既past tense:
I can swim.
I can't swim now, but I could when I was young.
2. could要在 reported speech (轉述)中代替can:
Sam: 'I can't go'
Sam said that he couldn't go.
3. 講未來發生可能性要用could:
I could come tomorrow if you want.如果你想,我明天可以來
比較: I can come tomorrow. 我明天能夠來(can係講有冇能力)
4. can同could在問句中語氣不同:
can係問能力 or 差唔多等於命令
比較: Can you fix your bed?? (這是阿媽講的,唔可以say no)
Can you drive? (問能力)
Could you help me on this? (問同事,有禮貌,唔係命令)
5. 建議某人可做某事,我地會講could have (done something), 但唔會講 can have
You could have met me at the station, couldn't you??
因為係建議, 係假設性既情況,所以要用 past tense既 could喇