我想問話人"發姣" or "姣屍燉篤" 英文點講?

2007-06-04 5:43 am
我想問話人"發姣" or "姣屍燉篤" 英文點講?

回答 (4)

2007-06-04 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Translation according to my knowledge:
1. 「發姣」:
Answer: flirt (賣俏, verb).
Example: She always flirts with (賣俏/眉來眼去) the guys. So cheap (低級的)!
2. 「姣屎燉篤」:
Answer: coquette (賣弄風情, verb) 或 (賣弄風情的女子, noun).
Example: She always coquettes (賣弄風情). Really disgusting (使人作嘔的/可憎的)!
2007-06-06 2:44 am
noun - slut, whore
adj - slutty, loose, horny
2007-06-04 10:04 am
in heat
acting like a slut
2007-06-04 5:49 am
發姣 - bitchy

2007-06-03 21:54:34 補充:
yahoo 字典發姣 近似字係放蕩 1.dissipated; dissolute; unconventional; profligate; immoral; licentious; wanton; debauched2.to be on the loose; to be easy in one's morals

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