英文作文 complaint letter

2007-06-04 4:52 am
可唔可以教下我寫呀 內容係話我去到間好高級的餐廳食嘢 但佢俾咗碗有隻大嘅死曱甴嘅湯我 而家我想寫封投訴信俾個經理 我可以點寫呢 大約250字到

我想知到啲格式 同有乜野可以寫 and要注意啲乜

呢篇文都幾重要架 希望大家幫下手啦 唔該哂

回答 (2)

2007-06-06 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
sender’s address
receiver’s titer
receiver’s address
reason for writing
complain (s)
ask for action
sender’s name
12 Hong Kong Road
Chai Wan
Hong Kong
4th June 2007
The Manager
XX Restaurant
8/F, Golden Plaza
24-28 Sugar Street
Chai Wan
Hong Kong

Dear Sir/Madam:
Re : Complaint about XX Restaurant

I am writing to complain about XX Restaurant. My friend and I went to your restaurant to have our dinner on 3 June at seven o’clock. I thought your restaurant is the highest quality’s restaurant. So we came into your restaurant to celebrate my friend’s birthday. When I came into your restaurant, I felt so disappointed.
First, I wanted to complain the quality of the food, services, hygienic situation and your manager.
When we came into your restaurant, the floor is wet. And I saw the corner by two walls had a rat. Then I went to the toilet. The toilet was so dirty and a rat was eating some food in there. The hygienic situation had to improve. After that we ordered the dinner of the set A and B. Your waiter was so loudly to tell us their dinner of the set B had already sold out. It is so rude for us. When I was eating my dinner, I found a dead cockroach in my soup. And the quality of the food was so bad. The vegetables were not fresh and the meet was smelly.
When I told to your restaurant’s manager about the waiter’s behavior and the food’s problem. He told to us and said “If you have any problem, you can go to complain our company. ”
Finally, I wanted to have a refund with my dinner .And I want your waiter to write an apology letter for me. If you don’t do that, I would go to the consumer council to complain about your company.

Yours sincerely
Raymond Chan
Raymond Chan
參考: 格式係向我本英文書度既(Target)....
2007-06-04 5:09 am

Jim Smith
ABC Company
123 Main Street
New York City, NY 12345

Dear Mr. Smith:

I have been a pleased customer with your ABC Friendly Mart for seven years. On my most recent visit, June 1, 2000 at 2 PM, I received poor service that I felt I should bring to your attention.

I was in the store to purchase a small bag of chips and a small fountain soda. When I got into the checkout lane, the cashier, who was wearing a nametag that read "Jane" told me that I would have to wait for a few minutes until her freshly painted fingernails had dried before she could ring me up. She was also on the phone talking to a friend during this time. After ten minutes she got off the phone and proceeded to ring me up. Imagine my surprise when my bag of chips and small drink totaled $7.98. I told her that I thought there must be some sort of error. She proceeded to tell me that she didn’t set the prices and that if I didn’t like the prices that I should shop elsewhere. Needless to say, I went across the street to the XYZ Quick Shop for my purchase.

I was extremely disappointed with the service I received that day. If you would please address this issue with your cashiers, I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoy shopping at your store, however if I receive this type of treatment again, I will take my business elsewhere.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

2007-06-03 21:13:23 補充:
注意唔好用怒的語氣, 客氣小小寫經理個名唔好等多個一星期

2007-06-03 21:15:24 補充:

2007-06-04 08:33:25 補充:
你要格式嘛, 比D英文字你, 曱甴 = cockroach

2007-06-04 08:38:24 補充:
可以參考上面話 I ordered a xx soup (湯名), when I put my spoon in the soup I found a dead cockroach at the bottom of the bowl. (死曱甴在湯碗底)

2007-06-04 08:42:34 補充:
你可以話同個伙記講又唔理你, 話放你枱之前見唔到有曱甴I talked to a waiter called Tom, he said "I can't see any cockroach when I put it on your table"

2007-06-04 08:45:01 補充:
然後你話想見經理Tom又話他不在When I ask tom to see you the restaurant manager, he said you were away and cannot help me.

2007-06-04 08:47:14 補充:
然後參考上面最後一段I was extremely disappointed with the service I received that day. If you would please address this issue with your waiter and chef I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoy dining at your store, however if I receive this type of treatment again, I will take my business elsewhere.

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