我想問今個暑假去Vancouver 邊間航空公司好呀?!!

2007-06-04 12:44 am
我想問今個暑假去Vancouver 邊間航空公司好呀?!!
加航 定 甘泉
邊間好D 平D?!?!

回答 (5)

2007-06-04 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, I'm from Vancouver. I've taken Air Canada (加航) before. But I didn't really like their service at all. Their meals are terrible! However, their business or first class is okay. But for economy, I don't like it.

So, if I were you, I think I'll take Cathay Pacific (CX) instead. Cuz, firstly, their service is excellent, secondly, their meals are more asian then western. And thirdly, they offer a lot of Asian and Western movie or TV channels. For a long flight like going to Vancouver, for sure you'll need all of these. By the way, I heard that CX is having a promotion too. But I forgot the price. Ask your agency.

On the other hand, OasiaHongKong (甘泉) is a NEW airline company. I'm not sure how it is. They just started the line for Vancouver this year. Right now, they are doing a promotion....Just only about HK$5000 for a roundtrip ticket from HKG to YVR (Vancouver).

But just becareful for the luggage restrictions.

So ask your agency for both companies (CX and 甘泉)' promotions.

Hope the above answer do help you~~
參考: my own experience (foe travelling back and forth to Vancouver)
2007-06-06 11:27 am
有Eva Air 或者 華航
再貴多少少可以經Seoul INC Airport~
再貴就經東京Narita 就有 JAL
最貴就係Cathay / Air Canada既直飛

記住問下屋企有冇邊間Airline既Membership ~
2007-06-04 5:26 pm
Now i'm in Vancouver and i from Vancouver too. But before i live in hong kong have long time. So in hong kong i sometime乘坐Cathay Pacific with my family. But oasishongkong airline is new airline,so oasishongkong have a special price for everyone. Maybe you can try Cathay Pacific or oasishongkong. But i 乘坐Cathay Pacific have many times with my family. So i think Cathay Pacific is better!
參考: i 乘坐Cathay Pacific have many times with my family
2007-06-04 12:58 am
cx la

2007-06-03 16:58:38 補充:
not 甘泉
參考: me
2007-06-04 12:50 am

2007-06-03 16:52:07 補充:
參考: me

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