
2007-06-03 11:07 pm
我有一張中國銀行開出既支票,有寫到我個名,但係冇刪除或抬頭人呢4個字,又冇Account payee only既字樣,不過佢張支票中間有2條直線既平衡線,咁張票係order crossed cheque,定係order uncrossed cheque?咁要兌現現金係咪一定要存入戶口先攞到$$?


回答 (3)

2007-06-03 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 個人經驗
2007-06-05 11:38 pm
你這張以不是現金票 你入票後要2天才可以取錢 入其它銀行也可,但一定要係你個名因為張支票係你個名 .

張支票入銀行後2天 (要係你個名戶口就得)支票上名字, 才可以攞錢
2007-06-03 11:25 pm
It is an order crossed cheque. You have to bank it in your bank account. After the cheque is honoured the next day, you can then get the cash from your banker. Even you go to the issuer's bank acocunt, Bank of China, you can not get the cash as stated at the counter but have to bank it your cheque in your bank account for clearance.

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