
2007-06-03 7:36 am
何謂phrasal verbs呀!請問幾時先用到phrasal verbs。還有我想問點樣運用phrasal verbs●唔該○

回答 (2)

2007-06-03 10:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
phrasal verbs短語動詞
She TURN OFF the radio.
Mr Knight offered to PUT him UP.
(2)短語動詞擴大動詞的原有意思或衍生新的意思。例如break某物是指破壞某物,但如果break out of某地,意思是逃離某地。
They BROKE OUT OF prison on Thursday night.
The pain gradually WORE OFF.
參考: me,希望對你有用
2007-06-03 9:26 am
For examples:
Give (sth) up 放棄
Cancel out 抵消
Die hard 難改掉
Old habits die hard.

They are phrasal verbs that can represent a specific meaning which can't be understood by combining meanings of single words only. You may use such kind of verb anytime if you find the meaning you want to express match any phrasal verbs you know.
參考: My knowledge

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