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shit or get off the pot 屙屎唔係就唔好霸住個屎塔
Hurry up and make a decision. Usually used when some one is being really indecisive or is taking way to long to do something. Commonly refers to a decision where a commitment is evolved.
You've been engaged for 6 years, don't you think it's time you shit or get off the pot?
以前睇過一套西片,個男人訂晒餐廳要向佢女朋友求婚,其實佢根本唔想結婚住,只係覺得拍左咁耐拖唔結又唔得。到果日個女朋友明知佢要求婚,但問起佢求婚誓辭(點解要娶佢?) 個男人完全答唔出,結果個男人就講左呢句, SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT! 結果就梗係唔得啦! 唔會有女人接受到話因為去到屎塔到所以唔屙唔得至娶佢!