English question (I need your help!) (10)

2007-06-03 7:02 am
1. a) If you inheriting/getting a lot of money, how do you use it?

1. b) Do you think that it would make a big differences to your life, if you
inheriting/getting a lot of money? Why? Explain your answer.

*(Answer in English, and better to answer completely and clearly. Thanks a lot for your help!)

回答 (3)

2007-06-03 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I will use all my money to buy some useful things and my favourite things.

2.No,i will very happy that
2007-06-03 7:17 am
1. a) If you inheriting/getting a lot of money, how do you use it?
Answer: If I inheriting a lot of money, I will spend it in 2 parts. I will save or invest half of it for my future living and the ohter half for travelling to know the world and life better.
1. b) Do you think that it would make a big differences to your life, if you
inheriting/getting a lot of money? Why? Explain your answer.
Answer: Yes, it will definiately making a great different to my life if I have inherited a lot of money. Since I do not have enough money to achieve my dream life, money will help. My dream life is travelling to lots of places(not only sightseeing but also live with people for a while). It needs to have time and money for doing that. You know, Life is short. Travelling is what an experience.
2007-06-03 7:06 am
a, If I inherited a lot of money, I would retire.
b, It would certainly make a huge difference as I could pursue something else in life.

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