please, help me correct them.

2007-06-03 6:54 am
He saw that a careless passerby hit his forehead on the edge of the gate while was coming out from home.

回答 (4)

2007-06-03 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
He saw that a careless passerby hit his forehead "BY" the edge of the gate while "HE" was coming out from home.

2007-06-06 23:10:23 補充:
如果hkwaddle說要加ACCIDENT 因那是ACCIDENT. 中文好少甘講: 他剛想出門時看到有位路人不小心被門欄撞到前額, 如要加重那是意外, 中文那句的不小心已化表是意外, 否則....^他剛想出門時看到有位路人意外地不小心被門欄撞到前額^我會改為英文是:He saw a careless passerby hit his forehead on the edge of the gate while he was coming out from home.
2007-06-03 9:02 am
He saw a careless passerby hitting his forehead on the edge of the gate when he was

leaving home.
2007-06-03 9:01 am
無意,即係意外啦,咁加兩個字:by accident就得。
He saw that a careless passerby hit his forehead on the edge of the gate by accident while [was刪去] coming out from home.

2007-06-08 15:19:40 補充: accident 亦等於 by chance,即偶然
2.a careless passerby係形容個人,by accident係形容件事。如果你要用中文諗,應該係「一個不小心o既路人意外地...」,唔係「一個路人意外地不小心...」呢個clumsiness來自誤譯(a passerby carelessly... by accident),唔係我o既本意。
2007-06-03 7:02 am
He sees a careless passerby will be when home is coming out, have not looked out , strike his forehead on the edge on the door.
參考: me

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