我的feeling ...(英文翻譯)快~~~

2007-06-03 6:16 am
我做完這project後,令我知道了McDonald的歷史和不同食物的歷史.我還知道hambuger 是怎樣弄的.

英文翻譯,plz 快,我星期一就要交

回答 (3)

2007-06-03 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Having gone through this project, I have learnt a lot about the history of McDonald's as well as its products, for instance, how it is "giving birth" to its hamburger. This project does make me more fruitful!.

- giving birth" to its hamburger = "生育漢堡包", 實喻為生產漢堡包.
- fruitful = 富有成效的;收益好的, 喻為"獲益良多"既意思.

我諗好似我咁, 多加少少修辭, 會令人覺得你寫出你既感想時, 更加有感情架! ^^
2007-06-03 10:54 pm
After finished this project,I learnt more about hambuger and McDonald's history. Doing this project makes me feel happy.
2007-06-03 9:09 pm
我做完這project後,令我知道了McDonald的歷史和不同食物的歷史.我還知道hambuger 是怎樣弄的.

After I complete this project, made me to know the McDonald historyand the different food history I also knew how hambuger is makes
This project makes me to obtain benefits a great deal

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