Come on ... if u are boy or girl

2007-06-03 6:06 am
Anyone have MSN
if u are about 13~14 years old
can u give me
I want to do fd with anyone 13~14 years old boy or girl

PLZ 列明自己係 boy or girl & how many years old

回答 (7)

2007-06-18 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
[email protected]
2007-06-04 1:22 am
I am a girl, age 13
MSN: [email protected]

and I guess you are a girl ??
2007-06-03 7:18 pm
我就快13.add我[email protected].
2007-06-03 6:39 am

[email protected]
2007-06-03 6:29 am
2007-06-03 6:18 am
im 12.actually,near 13~= ="
im a girl~
msn:[email protected]
add me~
2007-06-03 6:12 am
i'm 19 years old boy,
if u want to add me you can add :

[email protected]

: ) Nice to meet you

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