
2007-06-03 5:47 am
我今年F.5, 想學英語拼音, 想問下那兒有得學?和邊度最好? tks

回答 (2)

2007-06-03 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(你好勤力喎, 如果我以前都好似你咁一早去學就好啦, 我係成廿幾歲先去學呢, 仲有, 應該係叫國際音標, 而唔係拼音呀)


1. 國際語音學會 (呢間我讀過, 不過唔係中學生course, 而係成人班, 但都係非常之好, 價錢亦唔貴)

學 生 英 語 語 音 課 程
高 中 學 生 (升 中 四 至 升 中 五)

To improve students' understanding of English pronunciation and speech system with the help of diagrams, IPA symbols and basic theories.

-Organs of speech and the production of English sounds
-The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
-Vowels and diphthongs
-Consonants: the manner and the places of articulation
-Syllable and stress
-Application of phonetic symbols in dictionaries
-The pronunciation of -ed ending verbs
-Weak-forms and strong-forms
-Connected speech: linking
-Introduction to intonation and phrasing
-Oral and listening skills
-Accents of English: Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American

Course Information
Fee: $850 (including course materials)
Venue: Room 506. Ginza Plaza, 2A Sai Yeung Choi Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
No of Lessons: Ten
Application: Apply in person or by mail
Telephone: 2385 9001 2388 7271

Class - Day & Time Commencing Seats left
B1 - Mon & Thu 10:30 am - 11:50 am 16 July 2007
B2 - Mon & Thu 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm 16 July 2007
B3 - Tue & Fri 9:00 am - 10:20 am 17 July 2007
B4 - Tue & Fri 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm 17 July 2007
B5 - Wed & Sat 10:30 am - 11:50 am 18 July 2007

有網址: http://www.ipa.edu.hk/
(你可以先打電話去問吓仲有冇位, 呢間只有1個導師, 但你可以放心, 超超超得呀! 佢有料到爆燈呀!)

2. 香港浸會大學持續進修學院

呢個我就冇讀過, 不過我而家讀緊佢其他文憑課程, 佢哋師資都唔錯, 所以都俾你做個參考.

English Phonetics for Beginners --- EGE1203

'Ship' or 'Sheep'? 'Light' or 'Night'? Does your poor English pronunciation hold you back? All languages have their own unique sound systems. Some of the difficulty Cantonese speakers have with spoken English is due to the differences in sound systems between English and Cantonese. This course aims at helping learners understand the differences between English and Cantonese pronunciation with an emphasis on explaining the English sounds in terms of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and how to read it from a dictionary. Learners will be able to become aware of ways to improve their own spoken English to speak clearly and phonetically correctly.

Subject Content:
-The speech organs;
-Brief history of IPA;
-Vowels, consonants & diphthongs;
-Syllables & word stress;
-Transcription in dictionaries; and
-Specific problem sounds for Cantonese speakers.

(Only Attendance Certificate will be issued.)

Pre-requisite : Completion of F. 3
Medium : English supplemented with Cantonese
Enrolment Limit : 30
Total Hours : 15
Fee : $750

課程編號 開課日期 上課時間
02EGE1203A Jul 03 Tue 7:00pm-9:30pm
15EGE1203R Jul 21 Sat 10:00am-12:30pm
34EGE1203A Jul 07 Sat 2:00pm-4:30pm
58EGE1203R Jul 11 Wed 2:30pm-5:00pm

網址: http://www.sce.hkbu.edu.hk/pgm/by_pgm/bypgm000.html

呢個要報就快d啦, 6月11日係最後報名日期
2007-06-04 6:48 am
這裡有個相關的網頁, 你可以參考一下


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