請教 Past Prefect tense 既用法

2007-06-03 3:46 am
考試將近, 我英文科有好多grammar都唔掂....


我想知到 Past Prefect tense 既用途,

即係幾時要用到, 用到個陣有d咩要轉換, 同埋有d咩地方要注意....

* 最好係用中文解釋 (適當地方用英文都ok, 因為我英文都幾差下..)

回答 (4)

2007-06-03 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Past perfect tense
form: had plus p.p

用呢個tense 既時侯
通常會有2 個action
而呢2 個action 都係係以前既,2個都會有先同後既
有d Hints 會俾你知道用呢個tense
例如見到( before/after) 呢2個字

E.g: Jack had left hours before we got there.
就以以上例字黎講, Jack 係我地去到之前既1 個鍾已經走左啦
咁[Jack 走左],呢個action 就一定係先既
而[我地去到] ,呢個action 就係後嫁啦
咁所以先戈個action 就係要同had plus p.p
而後戈個action 就要用past tense na~

參考: 自己
2007-06-03 4:05 am
Past Prefect Tense 和 Present Perfect tense 差不多, 只是... Past Prefect Tense 發生係過去

For example: she had been waiting for him for a long time. 她等了他很久.....(那人物都可能不在人世)
2007-06-03 3:55 am
Present Perfect

Two important points must be remembered : this tense concerns a) the present time and b) it does NOT describe an action. “Perfect” here means an action is completed, so logically we do not see any action. If there is an action now, we should be using the present continuous, but if we want to describe the action that took place, we must use the simple past. What we see now is not the action itself but the result of the action, or a present condition.

Suppose we have been waiting inside a house for a long time for the rain to stop. You go out and find that there are no more rain and clouds. You should say: “The rain has stopped ” or “The clouds have gone “. You do not see when did the clouds move away or when did the rain stop; you just see the result: the clear skies. We are not concerned about the time of the action; we are only concerned about the result.

Suppose you come home and find the house empty but food is on the table (a result, condition). You tell your friend: My mother has cooked lunch for us. Again, you do not see the action(your mother cooking) but you see the result.

It is a hot summer day and yet John is staying home seemingly with nothing to do (a condition).
Father : Why are you staying home, doing nothing?
John : I have spent all my pocket money.

Nobody actually sees John’s action, i.e. spending the money. What one sees is the result of his action.

When to use
(a) About a result caused by a past action (NOT the action itself).

A father returned home to find the house empty. He asked the maid:
Q: What has happened ? / Where has everybody gone to ?
A: They have gone to the movies.

(b) With ever/never

Have you ever seen a ghost ?
No. I have never seen a ghost.
Has he ever eaten raw fish?
No, he has never eaten raw fish.
Have you ever been to Paris?
No, I have never been to Paris.

(c) Associated with words/phrases/constructions such as since, already, recently, so far, up to now

I have not seen Mary since last summer.
I have already finished my homework.
This project has only begun recently.
So far, we have not found ant proof.
Up to now, she has not handed in her homework.

(d) With superlatives

This is the most exciting movie I have ever seen.
This is the best performance I have come across.
He is the laziest teacher that has come to mind.

Past Perfect

When to use
Review the usage of present perfect. It describe a present situation which comes about as a result of an action already taken. Past perfect has the same function; the only difference is that we are describing a situation that is caused by some past action in the past. For an action in the past, we use a simple past, such as “I saw a movie yesterday “, an action happening in the past requires a past continues, such as “I was eating lunch at noon yesterday “. When we describe two events in the past, when one was taking place or took place, the other had already taken place (unseen by us), we must use the past perfect.

It is always about a sequence of events un the past that involved the result of a done (“perfect ”) action. i.e. when one event took place, another event had taken place.

Took place Taken place
When we reached the station, the train had left.
When the doctor felt the patient' s pulse he had already died.
When my father returned home we had already eaten supper.
When the police reached the scene the thief had already escaped.

The actions are “invisible “, the result are not, as evidenced by an empty station, an empty house, etc.
2007-06-03 3:54 am


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