解釋 Reported Speech 用法

2007-06-03 3:45 am
考試將近, 我英文科有好多grammar都唔掂....


我想知到 Reported Speech 既用法,

即係點解, 有d咩要轉換, 同埋有d咩地方要注意修改....

* 最好係用中文解釋 (適當地方用英文都ok, 因為我英文都幾差下..)

回答 (4)

2007-06-06 12:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Reported Speech 即係報告番人o地講gei o野,除o左用 said 仲可以用 order/ask/told.......

例如 "Don't eat that fast!" my mother said.
---> my mother ordered me not to eat that fast
my mother told me not to eat that fast

Alan asked, "Where is the bus stop?"
---> Alan asked me where the bus stop is

Where IS the bus stop?

where the bus stop IS.

例如...... Betty and Alice are in the shop...
Betty said, "I like this flower!"

---> Betty told Alice THAT she likes that flower.

呢個情況要加 that..

Hope I can help you la
參考: myself
2007-06-06 10:16 pm
2007-06-03 4:12 am
" Don't touch the hot pot! " said mother .
Mother said not to touch the hot pot.

"I hate you, Mary" said Tom .
Tom said he hates Mary. Tom 說他僧死Mary

"We are not in love anymore." said Mary.
Mary said they are not in love anymore. Mary話佢地不愛對方

"Peggy saw a nice doll in the shop. " said Sue.
Sue said Peggy saw a nice doll in the shop. Sue說Peggy在店里 看見 (過)一個洋娃娃
2007-06-03 3:53 am
Reported Speech 係 報告講話 ...
你只要讀得比較有感情就ok 架喇~

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