
2007-06-03 3:22 am
由於我公司有多間子公司, 公司政策改了, 由以往 A Co. 接單, 改為 B Co. 接單, 我想寫封信/email通知客人, 要求由某天起落單給B Co. , 請幫忙, 我如何寫 英文&中文 信/email.

另外, 我一樣要通知供應商, 我司會以 B Co. 落單.

Thank you.

回答 (1)

2007-06-03 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir/Madam:

We would like to inform you that our subsidiary “B CO” will take over order reception services from our subsidiary “A CO.”, with effective on 1 July 2007,
Please place your order directly to “B Co.” directly.all procedure will remain as usual.

Thank you for your continuous support.

For and on behalf of
Xxxxx co., Ltd

Dear Sir/Madam:

We would like to inform you that our subsidiary “B CO” will take over order reception services from our subsidiary “A CO.”, with effective on 1 July 2007,
Please accept our order from “B Co.”, all procedure will remain as usual.

Thank you for your continuous support.

For and on behalf of
Xxxxx co., Ltd

2007-06-03 21:39:13 補充:

2007-06-03 21:42:54 補充:
致xxxxx公司xxxxx經理敬啟者:承蒙閣下對敝公司歷年來的支持, 令敝公司業務穩步前進,感激不盡.由二00七年七月一日起,閣下惠賜敝公司一切程序畧有更改,由以往敝公司屬下 A Co. 接單, 改為由其姊妹公司B Co. 接單,唯一切文件往來程序不變.為免以上更改對閣下業務有所延誤,敬請按新程序惠賜訂單,若敝公司是次行政更改對閣下造成不便,深感歉意,敬請原諒.如對上述更改有所疑問,請與敝公司 xxxx先生/小姐聯絡.xxxxx公司xxxxx經理二00七年六月一日

2007-06-03 21:46:49 補充:
改一改WE WOULD LIKE TO INFORM改為 We are pleased to inform ”all procedure will remain as usual. ”後加一句If you found any hesitated,please feel free to contact the undersigned at Tel:xxxxxxxxThank you for your continuous support.For and on behalf of

2007-06-03 21:48:22 補充:
致xxxxx公司xxxxx經理敬啟者:承蒙閣下對敝公司歷年來的支持,令敝公司業務穩步前進,感激不盡.由二00七年七月一日起,敝公司行政畧有更改,由以往敝公司屬下 A Co. 向貴公司落訂貨單, 改為由其姊妹公司B Co. 落訂貨單,唯一切文件往來程序不變.若敝公司是次更改對閣下造成不便,深感歉意,敬請原諒.如對上述更改有所疑問,請與敝公司 xxxx先生/小姐聯絡.xxxxx公司xxxxx經理二00七年六月一日

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