
2007-06-03 2:51 am

回答 (4)

2007-06-03 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) Eight Dollars and 50 Cents please.

2) (Here is) One Dollar and 50 Cents change.


2007-06-05 17:33:26 補充:
1) Eight Dollars and fifty cents please.2) (Here is) One Dollar and fifty cents change.(changed from numebrs back to English, sorry).唔該, 最頂同最低嗰位, 唔好走去啲唔知咩翻譯網站直譯
參考: 我响英國住咗8年
2007-06-03 3:49 am
Eight dollars and fifty cents, please.
Here is the change: one dollar and fifty cents.
2007-06-03 3:10 am
1 ) Eight - fifty please

2 ) Here is the change one - fifty , thank you !
2007-06-03 2:56 am
1)多謝你8個半($8.5)=Thank you,here are $8.5.

2)找番1個半($1.5)=Find a half of taking turns

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