
2007-06-03 1:21 am
methylpropan-2-ol + HCl變2-chloro-2-methylpropane個時:
2.點解+NaHCO3去neutralize d HCl 唔係用NaOH?
仲想問吓邊度有lab report dl?=^o^=

仲想問點解要用NaCl去wash organic layer?

回答 (2)

2007-06-04 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Did you use ZnCl2 and HCl in the reaction? (Btw you wrote Zn2Cl which is very wrong because Cl has a valency of -1!) If you did, this combination makes what's called a 'Lucas Reagent'. This reagent is specially used to make alkylhalides.
First of all, HCl protons the -OH group of the starting material to give H2O, a better leaving group than -OH. Then ZnCl2 as a complex adds to the oxygen to make an even better leaving group. This means the bond now is quite weak and can be broken by a Cl ion. The ion attacks the carbon next door, the Zn-complex leaves, giving you the final product.
2) NaOH is a strong nucleophile (the -OH ion) and will displace the Cl in your final compound.
3) Precipitation of AgCl
4) I don't know where you can download a lab report - you should write you own!!
5) NaCl is 'brine' - it just simply takes the water droplets from your organic layer to make it easier to dry with MgSO4 (or Na2SO4) later.
參考: Me
2007-06-03 3:15 am
1. heterogeneous catalyst (provide another reaction pathway with lower activation energy)
2. 因為OH 係strong nucleophile.佢會同個2-chloro-2-methylpropane react
3. mix然後有precipitation(AgCl). 因為呢個係SN1 reaction.

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