
2007-06-03 12:17 am

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2007-06-03 2:17 am
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Social change (or Social development) is a general term which refers to:
change in the nature, the social institutions, the social behaviour or the social relations of a society, community of people, or other social structures.any event or action that affects a group of individuals that have shared values or characteristics.acts of advocacy for the cause of changing society in a normative way (subjective). The term is used in the study of history, economies and politics, and includes topics such as the success or failure of different political systems, globalization, democratization, development and economic growth. The term can encompass concepts as broad as revolution and paradigm shift, to narrow changes such as a particular cause within small town government. The concept of social change imply measurement of some characteristics of this group of individuals. While the term is usually applied to changes that are beneficial to society, it may result in negative side-effects or consequences that undermine or eliminate existing ways of life that are considered positive.
Social change could be:
slow, gradual, incremental, and evolutionary; in this it might be barely noticeablefast, radical, sudden and revolutionary; it might even take people by surprise.wide in scope, affecting almost all people in a societylimited in scope, affecting only a small number of people. Social change is a topic in sociology, but also involves political science, economics, history, anthropology, social work and many other social sciences.
Among many forms of creating social change are theater for social change, direct action, protesting, advocacy, community organizing, revolution, and political activism.
Contents [hide] 1 Theories of social change2 Examples3 Measuring social change4 See also5 References6 External links
[edit] Theories of social change Some social change is almost always occurring, but many different theories have been mooted to explain significant social changes in history.
These theories include:
the idea of decline or degeneration, or, in religious terms, the fall from an original state of grace, connected with theology;the idea of cyclical change, a pattern of subsequent and recurring phases of growth and decline, and the social cycles;the idea of continuous social progress;Marx's historical materialism;Evolutionary theories (how one social form evolves into another), including social Darwinism;Theories of sociobiology A currently popular author on social change is Jared Diamond.
It is claimed that a primary agent of social agent is technological advancement, such that the wide adoption of a new technology leads to imbalance in the economic relationship between economic agents. This in turn leads to changes in the social balance of power, therefore leading to social change.[citation needed]
Historical precedent shows that major social changes have taken place during "cusp" periods, defined by changing relations among human formations, nature, and technology. Based on this theory, humanity may be ripe for a social transformation as it enters the Planetary Phase of Civilization.[1]

[edit] Examples Some recent trends in global change are that the world population has become more concentrated in the less developed world and in cities, there has been a tremendous growth in internet use, infant mortality rates have declined, illiteracy has declined, more people are living in freedom, GDP per capita has increased, and poverty has declined.
Western society gradually accepting new trends such as the birth control pill, African-American/women voting rights, and homosexuality are also examples of social change.
2007-06-06 12:25 am






2) From《北京之春》主編、著名政論家胡平先生


中國發生貧富懸殊是最近20年的事情。由於共產黨建立了公有制經濟,而且一黨專制控制了國家所有的資源和經濟活動;加上共產黨已經變為一個赤裸裸追求利益的集團,沒有起碼的道德自律。在內外都沒有任何約束的情況下,所以中共腐敗起來是其他國 家統治集團望塵莫及的。而中國的所謂「經濟改革「為權勢者掠奪全體人民的財產提 供了最好的藉口和機會。這種情況在六四之後更加突出。

參考: ME
2007-06-03 1:42 am
2007-06-03 12:39 am


而且貧者愈貧 富者愈富會o係經濟上 社會問題上 政治上 外交上帶黎壞影響

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