(急改 , 比20 分)可唔可以幫我改文呀? (4)

2007-06-03 12:10 am
lee 篇文係 past tense , 可吾可以幫我睇有冇 Grammer mistake , if果個字改左 ,
就學e.g :apple變成 『apples』, 仲有可唔可以幫我譯番D不識既中文詞語變英文詞語呀 ? e.g『蘋果』變成 『apple』 ( 要Primary 6用既) Thanks!
At night, We went to 『香港歷史博物館』,there are many history about Hong
Kong,like『太平清醮』、『粵劇』、『生活文化』 . We also took some photos
about them.I felt happy at that day.

回答 (4)

2007-06-03 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
At night, 『we』 went to 『the Hong Kong Museum of History』. 『There』 are 『many information about Hong Kong's history』, like 『Tai Ping Ching Chiu』, 『Chinese opera』『and』『living culture』. We also took 『many』photos about them. I felt 『very happy』『that day』.

1. we: 前面係", " 後面要小階
2. 香港歷史博物館=Hong Kong Museum of History, 因為香港只有一間, 所以前面要加"the"
3. 呢度要開新句, 前面要"." 後面要大階
4. 改為many information about Hong Kong's history會適合d, 意思係話, 那裡有很多關於香港歷史的資料. 另外, information about 或者information on 都得.
5. 太平清醮可以直譯成Tai Ping Ching Chiu, 又或者Bun Festival都得, 兩個都一樣用得
6. 粵劇英文係Chinese opera, 康樂文化事務處英文網頁都係用呢個寫法
7. 你有3個例子, 最後要用"and"
8. "生活文化"可以寫做"living culture"
9. 既然你話嗰日咁開心, 不如話影咗好多相啦, 用"some"只係話一些, 用"many"就好多
10. 既然咁開心, 索性"very happy"啦

2007-06-02 18:16:45 補充:
我已經唔改你太多, 只係俾返d英文名稱你, 同埋改靚小小字眼, 都似返你Primary 6程度啦. 如果幫你重寫得太深的話, 你老師一定知唔係你作. 不過, 你都可以照用了. 放心吧!
2007-06-06 6:58 am
You did not correct the sense, like....there WERE and we also LOOKED, etc...
2007-06-03 12:42 am
At night, we went to "the Hong Kong Museum of History", where we can find a lot of historial materials about Hong Kong, such as the "太平清醮", the "Chinese drama" <--(i am not sure..) as well as its culture of life. To capture these valuable materials, we had also taken some photos for reference. I had so much fun on that day!

2007-06-02 16:47:35 補充:
- History 係歷史, 係唔數得既; 取而代之可數既, 只係"歷史資料", 所以應該用historical materials. sorry, 文章內, 我串錯左個historial <-- 應該係 historiCAL 至對.- "there are many history about Hong Kong"係一句獨立句子, 唔可以就咁跟響"香港歷史博物館"后面, 要用DEFINING CLAUSE將兩句連埋一齊去表達. 所以要用"Where we can...".
2007-06-03 12:18 am
『香港歷史博物館』變成 Kong Hong the museum of history
參考: me

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