(急改 , 比20 分)可唔可以幫我改文呀?

2007-06-02 11:58 pm
lee 篇文係 past tense , 可吾可以幫我睇有冇 Grammer mistake , if果個字改左 ,
就學e.g :apple變成 『apples』, 仲有可唔可以幫我譯番D不識既中文詞語變英文詞語呀 ? e.g『蘋果』變成 『apple』 ( 要Primary 6用既) Thanks!
I told him to visited some famous place in Hong Kong.In the morning , we went to
OceanPark to watched dolphins shows.When the dolphin did some『高難度動作』, all the people clapped their hands,I also took some photos about dolphins.

回答 (2)

2007-06-06 5:43 pm
另外我會提議用"very difficult actions", 或者"highly difficult actions", 不過可能P.6都未學
2007-06-03 12:04 am
I [took] him to [visit] some famous [places] in Hong Kong.In the morning , we went to [the] Ocean Park to [watch] dolphins shows.When the dolphin did some『difficult tricks高難度動作』, all the people clapped their hands,I also took some photos about [the]dolphins.

2007-06-02 16:05:47 補充:
photos of [the]dolphins. Dolphin Show

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