english question....please help!!!

2007-06-02 8:43 pm
please help me check this is wrong or not...thanks a lot!!! asap!!!

"In spite of all the care and effort put into the restructure of the organization, the end
result was worse than disappointing."

回答 (6)

2007-06-04 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
In spite of the efforts made in restructuring the organization, the end result was far too disappointing.

- care用詞不當
- restructure應作動詞用
- worse than 不應跟disappoiting
- efforts 跟made 貼切一點
2007-06-02 10:01 pm
1. 如樓上幾位所述,restructure係動詞,最簡單修正方法係轉做 gerund:restructuring
2. end result - 其實冇問題,唔信可以上網查下,用引號括做 the end result was 四個字,我用google 搵到約有783,000項 。字典都有架。
3. worse than disappointing - 其實意思係想講乜野?比失望更甚?其係解唔通,真係可以咁講,如:
His performance was worse than disappointing. It was simply appalling.
但以呢句o既其他部份睇,似乎不宜用呢種咁casual o既句子。如要一定要用 worse than 建議改為:
In spite of all the care and effort put into the restructure of the organization, the end result was worse than expected. (咁講比較含蓄)
... the end result was far from satisfactory.
... the end result left a lot of room to improve upon /for improvement
請留意,beyond 係超越之意,far beyond satisfaction 係好到唔止令人滿意咁簡單!
2007-06-02 9:56 pm
How about this:

Although we spent a lot of time and efforts on reshuffle of the organization, the outcome was still unsatisfactory.
2007-06-02 9:18 pm
"In spite of all the care and effort put into the restructure of the organization, the end
result was worse than disappointing."

1. " restructure '係一個verb, 改用佢既noun form - " restructuring".
2. "end" 係一個noun/ verb, 唔係一個adjective, 改用 "final".
3. "disappointing"係一個adjective, 放個noun在最尾會較好..所以改用"disppointment". 不過, 我認為你其實係想表達"個效果離期望還差太遠既意思"吧? 如果係咁, 我建議你將哩句改做:

"the final result was still far beyond satisfaction".. 會好好多~~ 唔使講得太灰.


"In spite of all the care and effort put into the restructuring of the organization, the final result was still far beyond satisfaction. "
2007-06-02 9:11 pm
In spite of all the care and effort put into the restructuring of the organization,

restructure 係verb, 所以要加ing變成noun.

the end result was worse than disappointing. <- 唔係好明你個意思...
咩叫"個結果差過失望"? 仲有, 唔駛end ga, 結果一定係最後, 加左end會變得好中文

the result was very disappointing. 咁寫會好d
2007-06-02 8:50 pm
grammar is correct !!

But what is "worse than disappointing" ?? seems a little 口語.

Can change the sentense "In spite of all the care and effort put into the restructure of the organization, the end result was very disappointing."

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