
2007-06-02 6:40 pm

回答 (2)

2007-06-06 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
當然可以,L/C會call for Draft, invoice, packing list (optional) and DHL receipt or DHL Acknowledge Receipt. Invoice will showing full amount less 30% downpayment. Draft will show the payment amount.
匯豐銀行is advising/negotiating/collecting bank.
註意: latest shipment (DHL Acknowledge receipt) date最遲送貨曰期*,L/C expiry date, and number of presentation date. 這些曰子是否可以完成.
2007-06-02 7:09 pm
視乎你和客人做的付款方式. 你可以問 DHL 代收貨款辦法, 這樣更方便. 已收訂金; 一定要準時交貨, 否則客人因延遲交貨而取消訂單時, 你便要退回訂金給客人.

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