✔ 最佳答案
黑色 讓你容易看到有沒光點
白色 讓你容易看到有沒暗點
三原色圖 是讓你容易看到有沒有顏色不妥的!
死點係指個mon某點顯示唔到顏色, 望上去會係黑色
光點係指個mon某點一直顯示某種顏色, 望上去通常會係紅/綠/藍
check 死點/光點時, sales會將個mon set做同一隻色, 咁你就要慢慢check清楚有冇d點係唔同顏色, check完1隻色佢就轉另1隻色比你check
通常白色時check紅點同黑點, 紅色時check藍點同綠點, 綠色時check黑點, 藍色時check紅點同綠點, 黑色時check藍點同綠點
如果間店唔比你check, 多數都係身有屎, 係黑店
不過好多 psp 都係咁
因為 psp 既質素就係咁
些液晶螢幕面板中含有缺陷的電晶體,而造成永久性的亮點與暗點。跟IC不同的是,液晶面板即使有壞點依然還是可以正常顯示,這也可以避免只是出現一些壞點而丟棄比IC面積還要大多了的液晶面板而造成浪費。面板製造商有不同的壞點診斷標準。下表是目前IBM ThinkPad筆記型電腦產品線的最大容許的壞點數。
解決方法 光點 死點 總數
QXGA(2048x1536) 15 16 16
UXGA(1600x1200) 11 16 16
SXGA+(1400x1050) 11 13 16
XGA(1024x768) 8 8 9
SVGA(800x600) 5 5 9
Image:Lcd defects.gif
LCD panels are more likely to have defects than most ICs due to their larger size. In this example, a 12" SVGA LCD has 8 defects and a 6" wafer has only 3 defects. However, 134 of the 137 dies on the wafer will be acceptable, whereas rejection of the LCD panel would be a 0% yield. (The standard is much higher now due to fierce competition between manufacturers and improved quality control. An LCD panel with 4 defective pixels is usually considered defective and customers can request an exchange for a new one.) The location of a defective pixel is also important. Often manufacturers relax their requirements when defective pixels are in the center of the viewing area.