
2007-06-02 6:55 am
想知係希臘買LV退幾多稅?? 用外國student visa有無得退稅?

回答 (2)

2007-06-08 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
樓上, you are wrong
法國買LV12%退稅, 德國退10%, 意大利退11%, 英國退14.89%
而希臘....唔知, 所以一直冇答呢條問題, 直至樓上答錯先出聲

我只知道係希臘買野有15.97% 打左稅, 而 Aegean Islands 就有11.5% 打稅
退稅最高可以退13%, 但每款種類商品退稅率唔同
我未去過希臘買LV所以唔知唔敢答你, 你預計大約係10~12%左右啦
2007-06-06 12:47 pm
全歐洲買LV 都是退稅 12.5 % 的

退稅一定要用passport, 買完之後俾passport sales, 佢就會幫你填張form, but remember don't lost that form, cos in some countries, finally u need to refund the tax at airport

Besides, all LV in Europe will keep your passport details after u buy, usually restrict every customer to buy 兩個袋, 一個銀包 or 一個袋, 兩個銀包 only
After you buy once, you can't buy anymore in that country until six months later

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