讀書人, 請指教

2007-06-02 6:32 am
例如: Centre & Center, favourite & favorite

回答 (2)

2007-06-02 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
You read carefully and you may find that the American English spellings are in a way simpler - it keeps the sound but has removed some "useless " letters, e.g. both "vour " and "vor " sound the same. So the Americans use "color ", "favorite " and "labor ".

Similarly, American use "ter " because it is a lot more common than "tre ". There are a lot of words ending that way, e.g. painter, writer or even water. So naturally "centre " was mis-spelt "center ".

To tell the truth, many Americans do not care spelling at all. They just make up the spelling to fit in the sound.
參考: myself
2007-06-02 7:39 pm

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