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家庭因素: 將貧窮歸因於家庭的教養過程;還有可能是因為高昂的醫藥費而陷入貧窮;
雖然人們普遍認為貧窮及失業是因為懶惰所造成,然而即便是世界上每個國民平均最富有的國家如美國,目前仍有數百萬人處於貧窮勞動(working poor)的狀態,亦即其並未享有福利或其他立即的公眾援助計劃,以致其無法跨越貧窮線。貧窮與社會問題有緊密的關連。Poverty is often strongly correlated with social problems, such as crime and disease (notably sexually transmitted diseases), sometimes in epidemic form. As a result, many societies respond to poverty by a variety of methods which range from moral persuasion to financial subsidy to physical coercion.
Poor Relief, or giving aid direct to poor people. This has been part of the approach of European societies since the middle ages.
Responses to individual circumstances. A variety of measures have been taken to change the situation of poor people on an individual basis, including e.g. punishment, education, social work, employment, and workfare. 還有農村合作醫療制度,財政補貼一些,解決農民「看病難」、「看病貴」問題,同時也可減少因為高昂的醫藥費而導致的新貧窮戶。
Provision for contingencies. Rather than providing for poor people directly, many welfare states have provided for categories of people who are likely to be poor, such as old people or people with disabilities, or circumstances which may impoverish people, like the need for health care.
Strategic intervention. Many people have argued that poor people can be helped to change their circumstances through focusing on selected, specific measures. Examples have included political participation, urban regeneration and the development of social capital.
Economic development. The anti-poverty strategy of the World Bank depends heavily on preventing poverty through the promotion of economic growth. It is often argued that "a rising tide lifts all boats", though as critics comment, it can also sink some.
Many societies at various times have tried to eliminate poverty, through numerous measures including education, industrialization, and through forms of social welfare. A true solution has remained elusive.
然而有些宗教或文化卻不認為貧窮(或清貧)是問題。反之,清貧地生活和修行才可以達到心靈上的富足或領悟出大智慧來。For some orders this is equivalent to "voluntary simplicity": Mother Teresa said that the vow "frees us from all material possessions". However the vow of poverty traditionally goes beyond that: the Dominicans "lived a life of voluntary poverty, exposing themselves to innumerable dangers and sufferings, for the salvation of others." (Honorius II, 1217).