
2007-06-02 5:01 am
Just contact with the shop that they will have stock for the 2 items on Sat(02Jun)~~~~We will recieve them on Wed in Japan. We will send them to you once we get these 2 items.

Anyway, we will send you the arrived items first~~~~~

回答 (5)

2007-06-02 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢叫你去聯絡o個d有你想買個兩樣野既存貨既店舖 ( 6月2日,星期6)
2007-06-03 6:58 pm
我睇哂全部答案, 點解啱嗰個唔揀, 反而揀咗呢個錯答案呢? 唔明!
2007-06-02 5:13 pm
Just contact with the shop that they will have stock for the 2 items on Sat(02Jun)~~~~We will recieve them on Wed in Japan. We will send them to you once we get these 2 items.

Anyway, we will send you the arrived items first~~~~~

與商店請接觸星期三, 他們將有股票為2 個項目在星期六(六月二日)~~~~我們意志recieve 他們在日本。我們將送他們到您一旦我們得到這些2 個項目。

無論如何, 我們將寄發您到達的項目first~~~~~
2007-06-02 8:45 am
你唔明可能係因為寫嗰個人d tense亂哂大籠啫. 意思如下:

我哋啱啱同間舖頭聯絡過, 佢哋話呢兩個item星期六(6月2日)會有貨. 我哋會喺日本時間星期三收到. 當我哋一收到呢兩件嘢, 就會即刻寄俾你.
無論如何, 我哋會寄已收到既item俾你先.
2007-06-02 5:14 am
Just contact the shop [and tell them] that they will have stock for the two items on Sat (02 Jun)....
如果估中,係叫收信者 contact一間店鋪,話佢地知佢地六月二日星期六會數到該兩件物品o既貨,我地o係日本會於星期三收到,然後我地一收到就馬上寄/送呢兩件物品俾佢地。
Anyway, we will send you the arrived items first

2007-06-01 21:16:24 補充:

2007-06-01 21:17:13 補充:

2007-06-01 21:21:24 補充:
其實呢堆英文真係唔清唔楚,them係講緊o個間鋪,咁We will send them to you 呢個you係解「收信人」定係「o個間鋪」呢?we will send you the arrived items first呢個you又點呢?真係估估下...以上我當you係「o個間鋪」,所以用「佢地」。

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