
2007-06-02 1:54 am
以 數學學會主席 名義 邀請 中文大學數學系 xxx教授 來校演講 數學


注意1.用past tense,因為件事過左幾年
3.我唔係要上台介紹佢出場,所以唔好寫咩i would like to invite , we are pleased to invite

回答 (10)

2007-06-02 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
When I was the Chairman of the Mathematics Club, I had successfully invited Professor XXX from the Department of Mathematics, CUHK to give a lecture on (topic) at XXX school.

題外話: 中大係有數學系的 (Department of Mathematics), 而數學系屬理學院(Faculty of Science)
2007-06-13 6:45 am
On behalf of the Chairman of Mathematics Club, I invited Professor XXX from the Department of Mathematics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to give a speech on Mathematics.
2007-06-03 2:21 pm
Chairman of the Institute of Mathematics to invite, on behalf of the Chinese University's Department of Mathematics Professor xxx speech to school math
參考: me
2007-06-03 1:34 am
Invite Professor XXX of Faculty of Mathematics of CUHK in the name of the Chairman of Mathematics Club to come to the school for the lecture about Math.
2007-06-02 5:43 pm
以 數學學會主席 名義 邀請 中文大學數學系 xxx教授 來校演講 數學

Name invitation Chinese university math department xxx professor comesthe school lecture mathematics by mathematics academic societypresident
2007-06-02 4:25 am
Name invitation Chinese university math department xxx professor comes the school lecture mathematics by mathematics academic society president
參考: me
2007-06-02 2:22 am
As a Chairman of Institute of Maths, I invited Mr XX, Professor of Maths at CU, to make a speech of Maths.
2007-06-02 2:14 am
The Chairman of our Mathematics Society invited Professor xxx from the Mathematics Department of Chinese University of Hong Kong to present a speech for our students.

(註: 邀請數學系教授來演講數學, 即使是中文文法睇來都很累贅, 數學教授不講數學, 難道來講化學....! 說演講就可以了)
2007-06-02 2:13 am
In the office of Mathematics Society Chairman, XXX (I) invited Prof. XXX of Department of Mathematics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to give a speech on Mathematics here/in our school/in XXX School.
2007-06-02 2:03 am
Chairman of the Institute of Mathematics to invited, on behalf of the Chinese University's Department of Mathematics Professor XXX speech to school math

2007-06-01 18:04:00 補充:
Hope I can help you!!!

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