
2007-06-02 1:51 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-04 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
龜頭一直生活在包皮內, 有保護了. 當然你反起它, 觸碰, 是有不舒服和痛痛地的感覺是很正常的. 這時, 你不需刻意把它翻起.可以每次在沖涼時, 輕輕翻起, 亦同時清洗龜頭上的污垢. 是的, 當你翻了一定的時間, 包皮鬆了, 當勃起時, 包皮也會自然地翻出來. 也可能縮起來時, 它都仍然是翻起的狀況. 慢慢來吧.
2007-06-02 2:19 pm
How old are you? Are you still a kid? If you are, maybe you are still young, your penis hasn't fully developed yet.

常常「褪」翻落去 is because your 包皮 too long, and your penis is a little too short.
Since you can 反起, so i dont think you need to 割包皮.
What about when your penis stands up? 包皮still 「褪」翻落去?
If you think it bothers you a lot, then you should go see doctor.
Actually, its not a big deal.
And it doens't effect on having sex.
2007-06-02 6:43 am

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