香港沒有最低工資保障,工人工作後所得(在減去交通、午餐….. 之後),收入常常還低于綜援受助人,是否奇怪現象?

2007-06-02 1:51 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-03 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港 目前最低工資6千多元,除交通,午餐,強積金外,所剩下來支付房租,水電以及廚房油,壏,醬,醋,柴,米,菜,還有多少剩餘?就算妻子也干活掙錢,5千元左右,添衣,換季,子女讀書費用等等......
香港的怪事多又多,很多所謂政策是保障「某 些人」,那些人得益才不會「暴跳如雷」,而且有時還覺的不夠滿足,做了神仙還想做玉帝,老百姓慘喲,
2007-06-02 2:03 am
Min wage cant help the people to earn more. Many people will even earn less and it will discourage the people from working hard. Our government is doing good among all advanced countries not to allow min wage but doing worst in protecting the legitimate right of the workers.

People have to work to contribute to the society. Resorting to CSSA with able-body should not be allowed. The Govt should consider preventing abuse of CSSA.
參考: me

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