
2007-06-02 1:06 am
以 數學學會主席 名義 邀請 中文大學數學系 xxx教授 來校演講 數學

用on behalf of??

請用past tense


我唔係要上台介紹佢出場呀,所以唔好寫咩i would like to invite , we are pleased to invite 我係想寫係xanga紀錄尼件事咋

回答 (6)

2007-06-02 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
On behalf of the chairman of the Mathematics Club, I would like to invite Professor XXX at the Department of Mathematics, CUHK to give us a lecture on (the topic) at our school.

2007-06-01 17:26:58 補充:
sorry, 用錯preposition, 應該係: from the Department of Mathematics

2007-06-01 17:32:20 補充:
中文大學數學系英文寫法: Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (or CUHK)仲有呢就係:中文大學 理學院 Faculty of Science 數學系 Department of Mathematics
2007-06-15 5:43 pm
Name invitation Chinese university math department xxx professor comes the school lecture mathematics by mathematics academic society president
2007-06-02 1:47 am
數學學會主席係唔係你自己...如果係...唔係用on behalf of 架....用你個名就ok 架啦...

如果唔係你自己..係代人寫既..就要用on behalf of
2007-06-02 1:15 am
On behalf of the Chairman of the Mathematic Society, we would like to sincerely invite Prof xxxx from the Chinese University, Mathematics Department to come to our school to give a speech.


In the name of the Chairman of the Mathematics Society, we would like to cordially invite Prof xxx from the Chinese University, Mathematics Department to come to our school to deliver a speech.

Hope these helps.
2007-06-02 1:12 am
On behalf of the Mathematics Association, we are pleased to invite Professional XX of the Faculty of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, to conduct a lecture on Mathematics
2007-06-02 1:10 am
By the name of the chairman of Math. Club, would like to invite Professor xxxx, from the Math. faculty of HKCU to present a speech of Mathematics at our school.

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