
2007-06-02 1:04 am

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2007-06-02 1:24 am
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Eustace http://dictionary.sina.com.hk/p/word/Eustace


Origin of the Eustace Surnames

The Eustace name came to this England as a Norman Christian name about the time of the Conquest during the 11th Century. In early English records we find such notables as Eustace, Count of Boulogne, Eustace de Vesci, Eustace de Burgh and others. The Normans used a system where 焅itzEustace? i.e. son of Eustace was used to connect generations. Eventually the itz?was dropped and by the 1500s all members of the family carried the surname Eustace and variations. Eustace is derived from the Latin eustachius of Greek origin meaning fruitful. It is written as Iustas in the Irish language.

Edward Mac Lysaght in his book More Irish Families describes Eustace as one of the most distinguished of the names which came to Ireland at the time of the Anglo-Norman invasion. He writes, 㜁hile not multiplying to the same extent as the Burkes, Butlers, FitzGeralds, Powers and other great Hiberno-Norman families, the Eustaces were numerous enough to be classed in Petty census of 1659 among the principal Irish names in four baronies of County Kildare.?o:p>

Mac Lysaght further states, 孏he name is by no means common today - in 1864 there were 20 Eustace birth registrations, in 1865 and 1866, 18 for each year; while in 1890 the figure was 9, compared with 330 for more common names such as FitzGerald and 272 for Power, or to take a few less numerous names at random; Bermingham 40, Comerford 30, Cusack 46.?To take this a step farther, in 1890 in all of Ireland, there were 715 Ryan births recorded, 193 Hogan, 147 Cahill, 98 Jordan, 59 Caulfield, 76 Donnellan (also Donelan), 39 Ford, 16 McAndrew and 15 Lang births. Today there are bearers of the Eustace name in Ireland, but it has become relatively rare.

The story of the Eustace family is closely linked with early Irish history. From the fourteenth century until the time of the Reformation, members of the family were in positions of leadership as sheriffs, castle constables. The story of the Eustaces is one which reveals the birth of a great family and of its gradual disappearance from County Kildare during the political storms that have passed through Ireland during the past five centuries.

The Eustace family was often divided against itself by deeply-held religious differences and by divergent political loyalties. It was a family whose important members so often chose the losing side and paid a penalty for doing so. However, the cause of the numerical reduction of bearers of the Eustace name since 1659 is mainly due to their constant support of the Irish side in the struggles of the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

2011-10-12 4:11 am
尤斯,塔斯,尤斯塔斯 or 厄斯塔斯 all ok
2007-06-02 1:08 am
我認為這個不是英文名, 可能是法文名, 因為併不到音....

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