
2007-06-02 12:15 am
喔!我最近要參加一個網球比賽,我現在想去練習!Sue 你鍾唔鍾意打網球呢?
唔!O.K. 啦啦隊 不如我同你一齊去呀!
好呀! bus到了,上車吧!

回答 (6)

2007-06-02 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh! Recently I have to take part in a tennis competition, I want to practice tennis now. Do you like playing tennis, Sue?
Um... Okay. Cheering team. let's go together! [呢句既中文結構少少怪..係想講一齊去玩啦啦隧??? --> Let's go together and join the cheering team!]
Sounds great! Here comes the bus. Let's go.

2007-06-01 16:33:04 補充:
"好呀"如果講者的語氣是比較開朗、cheerful的話, 用good/ great 會比較好...well.. 同 fine 有時係語氣表達上會有唔同for example.. 2個人嗌交..其中一個唔想再嘈落去.. 就可以拋下一句: fine!而...well 就可以用黎表達一d 唔係好sure.. 或者係此文中會表達成...唔唔..等我諗下先.. =let me see.. 咁..好多字變左做語氣詞之後就會同佢個字本身既意思有出入..hope my comments will help
參考: my own knowledge
2007-06-08 2:36 am
Oh! I should participated in a tennis tournament recently, I want to go for exercise now! Your Zhong of Sue well Zhong's purpose to play tennis?
Well! O.K. cheering squad does not go with you simultaneously as I!
It is good! Bus has arrived, get on the bus!
參考: me
2007-06-03 8:54 am
Oh! I must attend a tennis match recently, I want to practice now! Sue, you like yo play tennis ?
Not! O.K. The cheering team was inferior that I go in once with you!
Good! bus arrived, boards!
參考: Myself。
2007-06-03 2:15 am
喔!我最近要參加一個網球比賽,我現在想去練習!Sue 你鍾唔鍾意打網球呢?
Oh yes, I am going to take part in a tennis competition some days later, I wanna do some practise now! Sue, do you like playing tennis?

唔!O.K. 啦啦隊 不如我同你一齊去呀!
Well, O.K. Cheering team, What about going there with you, huh?

好呀! bus到了,上車吧!
Good! The bus has arrived, come!
2007-06-02 12:26 am
Oh!I am going to have a tennis match, and I want to practice now!
Hey Sue, do you like tennis?

Fine. Let me go with you!

That's great!Bus has come, let's go!
2007-06-02 12:25 am
oh!recently,l have to join a tennis match,now l am wanting to practice!
Do you like to play tennis,SUE?MY tennis team is 「O.K. lala team」,would you
like to join us?
well! The bus came too,let's turn on the bus!


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