Native English Tutor

2007-06-02 12:01 am
How can I find a Native English Private tutor!

回答 (3)

2007-06-02 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, maybe I can help you. Even though I am not Native english speaker but I lived in Canada since I was eight, and I am nineteen now. I can speak fluent english. I am currently studying in University of Toronto, just coming to Hong Kong for four months. If you are interested or would like more info, please call 92004271 or email for more details.

我在二年班的時候已在加拿大生活,現時在多倫多大學修讀工程系學士課程。剛剛放假回香港並幫助一位小學四年級及一位中學二年級生補習英語。我住於沙田區,可以提供上門英文補習服務於新界及九龍各區。可用中或英語授科。有興趣的話可電 92004271 或電郵到 與梁小姐聯絡。
參考: myself
2008-06-26 6:41 am
I am an agent for Native English tutors from The University
of Hong Kong. The native english tutors are charging $150-$400 pre hour. If your company are interested in hiring Native English tutors, please contact me through e-mail ( phone: 63036322 (Ms.Tong).
2007-06-02 12:09 am
香港教育中心 电:23858651

參考: 我在這裡找數學老師

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