
2007-06-01 11:28 pm
1. 唔知你剛才影既果d相....

2. 我連同之前有關既資料都給你....

3. e幾日既天氣真係好熱.....



回答 (3)

2007-06-01 11:38 pm
1. where do you want to save the photo in the PC.

2. I had already sent the information to you including the previous information.

3. Having the hot weather these few days, I really want to go to swim.
2007-06-01 11:37 pm
1. Where about in the computer do you want to save the photos you just taken?

2. I will give / send you all the information along with the past ones.

3. These few days are boiling, really wanted to go swimming.
參考: 自己--留英學生
2007-06-01 11:35 pm
1. Can you let me know which folder can i save the photo that you take it before?

2. I will send you the folder with the information together

3. The weather is really hot in these few days, i want to go for a swim

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