Responsibility Accounting

2007-06-01 10:58 pm
Responsibility Accouting 的定義及目的

回答 (2)

2007-06-03 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cost center:
Managers of respective arer would only be responsible for the cost for that center,
types > Production cost centre & service cost center

Profit center:
managers fo this kind would be responsible for both costs and revenues related to their area of responsibility.

Investment center:
Managers of this kind would be responsible for costs, revenues, and investment decisions associated with their specific area of activity.
e.g. > Divisions of large multinational companies are usually treated as investment centers.

The boundaries of each segment must be clearly indentified and established.

A manager of relevant area will be in charge of each segment.

Segmental managers will be given the authority to operate their segment as autonomously as possible.
參考: My Finance Management knowledge.
2012-12-15 9:57 pm
會計、報稅、安排核數。 香港創機擁有專業商業顧問團隊,對
成立公司、會計、審計及報稅有豐富經驗。 於公司成立後, 提供
大量專業的支援服務, 由公司成立, 週年申報至收到第一份報稅
表, 協助顧客達到法例上的要求準時申報。 香港創機快捷可靠
的服務及專業團隊精神, 定能確保無論是最基礎的成立公司服
務, 以至較高層次的專業服務, 提供最專業可靠的服務。

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