
2007-06-01 6:04 pm

很高興得知你們specialize in a wide range of high quality wooden products.




回答 (4)

2007-06-02 3:14 am
Dear XXX,
Glad to know you are specializing in a wide range of high quality wooden products. Now our customer in the US would like to have wooden covers for the Bible made. Let me briefly introduce our customer. They mainly sell wooden religious items such as photo frames and furniture, etc., and they own two factories and as many as 100 sales offices in the States.
Below are two different desings; please quote your prices.
Quantity: 10,000 units per year.
Materials: solid wood, no wooden pasters allowed.
Enclosed please find photos/ pictures for your reference.
Best regards,

上面幾個答案用詞及文法都有錯處:美國客人應該是指位於美國的公司, 所以是 customer in (from) the US, 不是 American customer, 我們不必理會公司的資金來源或註冊地點等。另外, 這裡說的應該是一個客人(該公司有兩個廠房及若干銷售點), customer 要用單數, 不要 customers;而且不應用 client 一字, 更不是 visitor;「聖經」是 the Bible, 有冠詞 'the', 要大寫 'B', Bible 不能有 's';這裡是說客户想找別人造聖經cover, 不是自行生產, 所以 our American customers would like to produce wooden covers for... 是錯的;宗教用品的 ‘用品’ 可以是 products、items 或 articles, 不是 things;furniture 是不可數名詞, 加上 's' 是錯的;叫對方報價是 quote your prices, 用 'quoted price'、 'quote price' 或 'quote your products' 是文法錯誤或用詞不當, 而因為有 two designs, 便有兩個價錢, 所以用 priceS;一位網友用 offer a price for them 是錯了, 這樣說等如叫對方出價買你的東西, 與原文意思相反。
2007-06-02 1:30 am
Dear XX,

I am so happy to know that you are specialise in a wide range of wooden products with high quality.
At present, our American customers would like to produce wooden covers for Bibles.
Let me briefly introduce my customers. They mainly sale religious wooden products, such as photo frames, furniture, etc. They own 2 factories and more than 100 points of sale in the USA.

Below is the 2 different designs. Please be so kind as to quote the products.
The quantity is 10,000 per year.
Material: solid wood, 貼木皮紙 cannot be used.

Pictures are attached as for reference.
參考: my own knowledge
2007-06-01 7:18 pm
Dear xx,

We are delighted to know you are specialized in wide range of high quality wooden products. Our American customer is now interested in make The Bible with a wooden cover. This customer's main business is in trading wooden religous products such as picture frames, furnitures etc. and they have 2 factories and more than 100 retail shops in America.

Pls see attached 2 different designs and quote price accordingly.
Quantity is 10,000pcs per year.
Material: Solid Wood, phelloderm paper will not be considered.
Pls see attached picture for your ref.

Best regards,
參考: me
2007-06-01 6:47 pm
Dear XX,

I'm glad to know that you specialize a wide range of high quality wooden products.
At this moment, our clients from US would like to have some products which are bibles with wooden cover.

Let me briefly introduce some of our clients to you. Our clients are sellers who mainly sell religious wooden products, like photo frames, furnitures, etc. They also own 2 factories and have more than 100 markets in US.

Below are two different designs, would u kindly offer a price for them?
The quantity is 10,000 units per year.
Materials: Solid wooden, pasting phelloderm paper is not used

Pictures are attached for reference.
參考: ME

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