what is the meaning of c/o (name)?

2007-06-01 5:28 pm
To: John
c/o Peter

What is the meaning of above "c/o"?

回答 (4)

2007-06-01 5:33 pm
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1. =care of 由...轉交(書信用語)

2. =carried over 【會計】結轉下頁;轉期交割(交易所用語)

3. =cash order 【會計】即期票,現付票,現金票據;現金定貨單
參考: yahoo dictionary
2007-06-02 1:41 am
care of

meaning you want to send a letter to someone in a business so you write the persons name followed with c/o "that company's name

Or Sending mail to one person through another
2007-06-01 6:04 pm
I think c/o is Coco.
2007-06-01 6:01 pm
c/o means care of.

To: John
c/o Peter
means the letter is sent to John through Peter.
(意思是這封信或文件並不是直接傳遞給John, 而是透過Peter轉交)

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