Asia miles

2007-06-01 11:47 am
想問一般跟團有冇得儲Miles ga??

回答 (3)

2007-06-01 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
都要睇返你張飛其實係咩 class 的 fare. 我都試過跟團係坐港龍的, 散團之後領隊會俾返張 e-tkt receipt 俾你, 我就用左個張 receipt 同埋 boarding pass 的正本寄左去 asia miles 申請補發里數. 過幾個禮拜就會知到入唔入到. 我的情況係入到的.
所以建議你都試下啦, 就算入唔到都係晒你少少時間同郵票錢者~
參考: 自己經驗
2007-06-09 5:06 am
其實你可以查看機票上Class欄的代號再致電AsiaMiles查問這個Class Code可否發里數.如可以才寄回資料,這樣可連郵票也省回.不過打電話去AsiaMiles要有點耐性,不易打通及要等待接聽.
2007-06-01 12:57 pm
depends on fare ticket. Normally for group ticket (G class) then cannot earn asia miles. If you want to check, no worries, keep all the boarding pass and ticket. you can claim the missing miles after your journey.

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