
2007-06-01 8:49 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-01 1:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係就係scapegoat喇, 不過都一定要教一教你點用,因為唔係咁易用架

verb 既用法:
The chairman tried to scapegoat the computer team.
I was being scapegoated.

make A the scapegoat of B
前面既 A 係受害者, 而 B 就係一件錯事
例: They try to made me the scapegoat of the accident.

make a scapegoat out of A
今次個A受害者去左後面,而 the scapegoat of 就變成 a scapegoat out of...
例: They try to make a scapegoat out of me.

佢同上句They try to made me the scapegoat of ...係一樣意思,但係me既位置就唔同, 唔好搞錯呀~

2007-06-01 05:50:05 補充:
sorrr....打錯, 係 try to make me the scapegoat, 係make 唔係made
參考: myself, I live in US
2007-06-03 6:04 pm
eat dead cat
2007-06-01 8:57 am
skate goat

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